Success Stories
Credence MedSystems
Credence MedSystems is an innovator in injectable drug delivery devices, offering its biopharma customers a simplified path to commercialization of best-in-class delivery systems with its award-winning Companion Safety Syringe System.
Credence was founded by Jeff Shanley, a serial entrepreneur who previously founded Conor MedSystems and sold it to Johnson & Johnson. Jeff approached Tarlton in 2011 looking for startup space for Credence. The company ultimately landed in Menlo Labs, Tarlton’s bioscience incubator that provides shared labs and office space for very early-stage companies.
“Having the ability to grow Credence at Menlo Labs and then move into a standalone office in the park has allowed our team to keep their same commute as we moved from our incubator space to the larger facility,” said Jeff Tillack, COO of Credence MedSystems. “We would have perhaps lost people if we had to move to a different location in the area.”
With its considerable success and growth has come the need for a much bigger footprint, as well as a desire to bring all the labs and offices and cubicles into one contiguous space.
In 2019, Tarlton helped Credence move into 6,960 sqft of space in its new building at 1430 O’Brien Drive. Credence now has increased lab space for its R&D and device manufacturing, along with offices, cubicles, and common areas.
“The design and construction team was very knowledgeable and helpful in designing our new space,” said Tillack. “Our space has a very modern feel, and the amenities in the new building are top notch!”